About the Elementary Program
The starting point for the Montessori Elementary curriculum begins with the “Great Lessons.” These impressionistic and scientific stories give an overview of astronomy, earth science, geography, physics, biology, history, anthropology, cultural and social studies, language, math, music, and art. These stories lay out a general organization of knowledge and inspire children to investigate the details and relate them back to the whole. There is not a rigid schedule that the whole class must follow. Instead, each student can focus intensely on their self-chosen work with minimal interruption. Our trained and certified Montessori guides have a broad knowledge of all subject areas and use this knowledge to ask your child the right questions to inspire them to seek the answers independently. Students and guides collaborate to ensure student work is challenging and purposeful and that academic standards are met or exceeded. The elementary student’s natural need for social exploration is fulfilled with small group lessons and opportunities to work with classmates on research and follow-up projects.
OMMS strives to create joyful, lifelong learners with the ability to acquire knowledge independently. Students master the necessary skills, including reading, writing, and how to research and use various media, including reference books and the internet.
OMMS Elementary students will graduate with:
- An understanding of the evolution of life and a person’s relationship with his environment.
- An understanding that all people have the same basic needs and appreciation for the variety of ways in which those needs are met.
- An awareness of the interdependence of humankind and nature, with a responsible feeling toward an ecological whole.
- An awareness of the interdependence of people and nations, with a desire for cooperation and peace.
The work of becoming an independent learner helps to elevate the student’s self-esteem. Children develop an awareness of their own feelings, a sensitivity to and consideration for the feelings of others, and an awareness of one’s effect on others.
At OMMS, real learning experiences build a lifelong love of learning. At the end of Sixth Grade, our students graduate into other private and public schools well prepared for successful completion of their education.